Columbus! Something New 6.14.15

Program 6.14.15: Check out what is coming up this weekend in Columbus: Caffeine Crawl, and Sumukh Torgalkar at the Rife Center, both on June 20. We chat about: the Columbus Arts Festival featuring the Big Local Art Tent and the Westgate Home & Garden Tour.

Check it Out!

Wondering what to do this Saturday, June 20? There is a lot going on, and here are two things:


Thursday: Now Burke is an official Buckeye Bearder, we went to the Three Legged Mare for their June Meet-up. Shorty Allen and the Skirt Chasers were there playing some rockin' live music. The Buckeye Bearders is a fun group of fellows who just happen to have something in common: beards, of course. Think about joining Buckeye Bearders as yet another opportunity to network!

Saturday: You know I am going to say it was a hot day. Listen to the podcast and find out what made it even hotter for Burke and me! First, we stopped by Sugardaddy's tent and we need to tell you their new website is up and ready! Then we headed to the Big Local Art Tent, which the Columbus Arts Festival so wonderfully set-up for local artists. It was super easy to Support Local at the Columbus Arts Festival. While there we met:

  • Wolfgang Parker: He is a local author who has created Crime Cats, a series of novels for children ages 8-12. These novels are set here in Columbus and provide an amazing opportunity for children to learn history about the city we love! Listen to Wolfgang on the podcast and check out his novels!
  • MINT Collective: Taken from their facebook page: MINT is a collaborative, interdisciplinary space founded and operated by artists located in Columbus, Ohio. Check them out on 42 W Jenkins Ave!
  • Cap City Creatives: Taken from their Twitter page: A group of artists from all over Columbus that meet monthly to network, share ideas, and plan art events for the community.

So, we scooted from there, had a bite to eat at Tommy's Diner on W Broad St, then we were onto Westgate for the Westgate Home & Garden tour. Lots of history in the Westgate area. Once the sight of Camp Chase, Westgate features beautiful homes and gardens...and chickens! We took the tour and then met-up with Betty, Becca and David, all with the Westgate Neighbors Association. Listen to our podcast and find out more about Westgate from our interview with our three new best friends! And I especially appreciate Betty explaining the benefits detached garages provide to a community! Great insight, Betty!
