Columbus! Something New 3.13.16
Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park Nature Center
C!SN 3.13.16: Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park, Tony’s Coneys, and more!
There are many podcasts and YouTube channels dedicated to budgeting, so it is not unusual for me to tell you this weekend, we needed to be mindful of our entertainment budget. We had went to the Arnold Sports Festival last week, and quite a bit of our entertainment money was absorbed over that weekend. But, have no worries, in Columbus, there is plenty to do when the budget needs minded!
We went to two of my favorite places: Tony's Coneys and Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park. Eating a coney from Tony's Coneys gives me memories and I feel like a child again. This is some amazing comfort food served by a family operated business since 1951! The best way for me to enjoy them is to buy a bag (okay, I can only eat one, maybe two), and some fries, and then drive out to Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park and eat at a picnic table under a tree. Honest. It is my happy place.
Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park is over 7,000 acres of forest, prairies and wetlands. Last year I discovered visitors can also walk a path to John Galbreath's Darby Dan training barn and training track which, years ago, were busy with race horses! Now, there are no horses, but at the Nature Center you can see bison!
C!SN is always happy to feature the music of Captain Kidd!