Columbus! Something New 11.15.15
C!SN 11.15.15: Mikey’s Late Night Slice Downtown, Craftin’ Outlaws 2015, Columbus SOUP, Downtown Riverfront.
Good news Columbus: Mikey's Late Night Slice is now open Downtown! We packed up the girls and headed to 268 S. 4th St. for slices of heavenly wonderment. Yes, Mikey's slices are not only yum they, via their Late Night Slice Trucks, have saved us from our hanger many times (I am thinking back to Red, White and Boom and also the Dublin Irish Festival). At this downtown location diners can order not only pies and slices, but appetizers, rabbit food (salad), and the alcohol. Nice! Service was great, location super, and pizza, well you know. As I told Burke, I think C!SN should be the official podcast of Mickey's Late Night Slice!
From there, we headed up to the Convention Center to the Craftin' Outlaws alternative craft fair. I have followed Craftin' Outlaws on Instagram and recognized many vendors from their Instagram takeover days. It was good to see Amy with VintageLiz and meet vendors who I had not met before! You may have to wait a while for the next Craftin' Outlaws, but if you also follow them on Instagram, you can be connected to many terrific vendors!
Jessica had suggested we attend Fall SOUP, the fall Columbus SOUP event. Thank you Jessica for arranging a wonderful evening for us! Columbus SOUP is a grassroots grant funding event. You pay at least $7 at the door and receive a green spoon, eat soup (not with the green spoon!), meet five presenters to learn about their mission and goals, watch their presentation, then vote with your green spoon. The presenter with the most spoon votes wins the money collected at the door, along with any sponsor money, as well!
Fall SOUP's first place winner was Abe's Kitchen. Abe's Kitchen is a food truck with the mission to make healthy, affordable, tasty meals available for families who need them! As described on their Facebook page: Abe's Kitchen uses a food truck to offer a Healthy Economical Accessible and Tasty (HEAT) menu to food deserts in Columbus. So, imagine a neighborhood where the only easily accessible food is fast food or a convenient store. Abe's Kitchen provides an alternative to unhealthy fast food or pop and chips from the convenient store, while being tasty and affordable! I urge you to check out Abe's Kitchen!
Before arriving at Fall SOUP, Burke and I took a short walk on the newly redesigned Downtown Riverfront. Take a look at that photo and head on down! Then walk or drive over to Mikey's for some pizza!
C!SN is always happy to feature the music of Captain Kidd!