Jessica Saves the Show

Columbus! Something New 10.16.16

Tune in to this episode of Columbus! Something New to enjoy our chat about the grand opening of Curry Up, Standard Hall, Pins Mechanical Company, Lineage Brewing, and the CXC2016 Expo. All this, and your Columbus itinerary, on the podcast connecting you to all things local!

Every week our goal is to bring you a bright, relevant, positive podcast where we connect you to all things local. However, we are real. And this weekend, for Burke and me, was not bright, relevant, positive or connected to anything local. We spent hours on both Saturday and Sunday in store and on the phone with customer service, changing cell phone carriers. Sounds pretty cut and dry, right? Unfortunately, it is not. And today, Monday, Carrigan and I are still without phone service. Pretty frustrating.

With that, Burke and I realize just what support local means to us. Like I say, it is more than just something to say, it is a feeling. That connection to someone who is passionate about their dream, shop, history, art, story...the list goes on and one, but that connection makes all the difference in the world to us. And this weekend, we did not have one bit of it. And we feel really junky.

However, like the title of this podcast says: Jessica Saves the Podcast! Jessica and Jason had a totally bright, relevant, and positive weekend where they did nothing but connect to all things local! Take a look at the pictures, click on the links, and listen in to the podcast where Jessica tells us all about Curry Up, Standard Hall, Pins Mechanical Company, Lineage Brewing, and the CXC2016 Expo. Thank you, Jessica!

We love talking about upcoming events in Columbus. Here are links to help you plan ahead!

C!SN is always happy to feature the music of Captain Kidd!